Report Portal Reporter

wdio-reportportal-reporter is a 3rd party package, for more information please see GitHub | npm

npm npm

A WebdriverIO v6 reporter plugin to report results to Report Portal( For v4 version see this branch For Report Portal v4 use 5.X.X releases


The easiest way is to keep wdio-reportportal-reporter and wdio-reportportal-service as a devDependency in your package.json.

"devDependencies": {
"wdio-reportportal-reporter": "6.1.3",
"wdio-reportportal-service": "6.1.1"

Instructions on how to install WebdriverIO can be found here.


Configure the output directory in your wdio.conf.js file:

const reportportal = require('wdio-reportportal-reporter');
const RpService = require("wdio-reportportal-service");
const conf = {
reportPortalClientConfig: { // report portal settings
token: '00000000-0000-0000-0000-00000000000',
endpoint: 'https://reportportal-url/api/v1',
launch: 'launch_name',
project: 'project_name',
mode: 'DEFAULT',
debug: false,
description: "Launch description text",
attributes: [{key:"tag", value: "foo"}],
headers: {"foo": "bar"} // optional headers for internal http client
reportSeleniumCommands: false, // add selenium commands to log
seleniumCommandsLogLevel: 'debug', // log level for selenium commands
autoAttachScreenshots: false, // automatically add screenshots
screenshotsLogLevel: 'info', // log level for screenshots
parseTagsFromTestTitle: false, // parse strings like `@foo` from titles and add to Report Portal
cucumberNestedSteps: false, // report cucumber steps as Report Portal steps
autoAttachCucumberFeatureToScenario: false, // requires cucumberNestedSteps to be true for use
isSauseLabRun: false // automatically add SauseLab ID to rp tags.
exports.config = {
// ...
services: [[RpService, {}]],
reporters: [[reportportal, conf]],
// ...

Complete guide with a project sample demonstrating integration of WebdriverIO with Report Portal#

See readme in wdio-rp-integration-demoC

Additional API#

Api methods can be accessed using:

const reporter = require('wdio-reportportal-reporter')

Methods description#

  • reporter.sendLog(level, message) โ€“ send log to current suite\test item.
    • level (string) - log level. Values ['trace', 'debug', 'info', 'warn', 'error'].
    • message (String)โ€“ log message content.
  • reporter.sendFile(level, name, content, [type]) โ€“ send file to current suite\test item.
    • level (string) - log level. Values ['trace', 'debug', 'info', 'warn', 'error'].
    • name (string)โ€“ file name.
    • content (String) โ€“ attachment content
    • type (String, optional) โ€“ attachment MIME-type, image/png by default
  • reporter.sendLogToTest(test, level, message) - send log to specific test.
    • test (object) - test object from afterTest\afterStep wdio hook
    • level (string) - log level. Values ['trace', 'debug', 'info', 'warn', 'error'].
    • message (String)โ€“ log message content.
  • reporter.sendFileToTest(test, level, name, content, [type]) โ€“ send file to to specific test.
    • test (object) - test object from afterTest\afterStep wdio hook
    • level (string) - log level. Values ['trace', 'debug', 'info', 'warn', 'error'].
    • name (string)โ€“ file name.
    • content (String) โ€“ attachment content
    • type (string, optional) โ€“ attachment MIME-type, image/png by default

Pay attention: sendLog\sendFile sends log to current running test item. It means if you send log without active test(e.g from hooks or on suite level) it will not be reported Report Portal UI.

Methods sendLogToTest\sendFileToTest are useful when you need to send screenshots or logs to the failed test item from wdio afterTest hook.

Mocha example:

const reportportal = require('wdio-reportportal-reporter');
const path = require('path');
const fs = require('fs');
exports.config = {
afterTest(test) {
if (test.passed === false) {
const filename = "screnshot.png";
const outputFile = path.join(__dirname, filename);
reportportal.sendFileToTest(test, 'info', filename, fs.readFileSync(outputFile));

Jasmine example:

const reportportal = require('wdio-reportportal-reporter');
const path = require('path');
const fs = require('fs');
exports.config = {
afterTest(test) {
if (test.passed === false) {
const filename = "screnshot.png";
const outputFile = path.join(__dirname, filename);
Object.assign(test, {title: test.description}}
reportportal.sendFileToTest(test, 'info', filename, fs.readFileSync(outputFile));

WDIO Cucumber "5.14.3+" Example:

const reportportal = require('wdio-reportportal-reporter');
exports.config = {
afterStep: function (uri, feature, { error, result, duration, passed }, stepData, context) {
if (!passed) {
let failureObject = {};
failureObject.type = 'afterStep';
failureObject.error = error;
failureObject.title = `${stepData.step.keyword}${stepData.step.text}`;
const screenShot = global.browser.takeScreenshot();
let attachment = Buffer.from(screenShot, 'base64');
reportportal.sendFileToTest(failureObject, 'error', "screnshot.png", attachment);

Getting link to Report Portal UI launch page#

const RpService = require("wdio-reportportal-service");
onComplete: async function (_, config) {
const link = await RpService.getLaunchUrl(config);
console.log(`Report portal link ${link}`)

or more complicated way

const RpService = require("wdio-reportportal-service");
onComplete: async function (_, config) {
const protocol = 'http:';
const hostname = '';
const port = ':8080'; // or empty string for default 80/443 ports
const link = await RpService.getLaunchUrlByParams(protocol, hostname, port, config);
console.log(`Report portal link ${link}`)

Reporting test to existing launch#

If you want report test to existing active launch you may pass it to reporter by environment variable REPORT_PORTAL_LAUNCH_ID You are responsible for finishing launch as well as starting such launch.

$ npm run wdio


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details