Applitools Service

A WebdriverIO service for visual regression testing using Applitools


The easiest way is to keep @wdio/applitools-service as a devDependency in your package.json.

"devDependencies": {
"@wdio/applitools-service": "^6.3.6"

You can simple do it by:

npm install @wdio/applitools-service --save-dev

Instructions on how to install WebdriverIO can be found here.


In order to use the service you need to pass the Applitools API key. This can be set in your wdio.conf.js config file or pass APPLITOOLS_KEY in your environment so that it can access the Applitools API.

Also make sure that you added applitools to your service list, e.g.

// wdio.conf.js
export.config = {
// ...
services: [
['applitools', {
key: '<APPLITOOLS_KEY>', // can be passed here or via environment variable `APPLITOOLS_KEY`
serverUrl: 'https://<org>', // optional, can be passed here or via environment variable `APPLITOOLS_SERVER_URL`
appName: 'myApp',
// options
proxy: { // optional
url: ''
username: 'username', // optional
password: 'secret', // optional
isHttpOnly: true // optional
viewport: { // optional
width: 1920,
height: 1080
// ...


Once the service is added you just need to call either the browser.takeSnapshot command or the browser.takeRegionSnapshot command to compare images within the badge. The browser.takeRegionSnapshot command takes two additional parameters: 1) region which must be of type Region|webdriver.WebElement|EyesRemoteWebElement|webdriver.By, and 2) frame of type webdriver.WebElement|EyesRemoteWebElement|string; see further details here. The command takes a screenshot name so Applitools can compare it always with the correct image from the baseline, e.g.

describe('My Google Search', () => {
it('should open the page', () => {
browser.takeSnapshot('main page')
it('should search for something', () => {
$('#lst-ib').addValue('WebdriverIO ❤️ Applitools')
it('should open the page and take snapshot of the region with reddit icon in upper left', () => {
browser.takeRegionSnapshot('Reddit icon; main page', 'css=a._30BbATRhFv3V83DHNDjJAO')

On the Applitools dashboard you should now find the test with two images:

Applitools Dashboard

Configuration Properties#


Applitools API key to be used. Can be passed via wdio config or via environment variable APPLITOOLS_KEY

  • Optional
  • Type: string


Applitools server URL to be used

  • Optional
  • Type: string
  • Default: Public cloud url


Viewport with which the screenshots should be taken.

  • Optional
  • Type: object
  • Default: {'width': 1440, 'height': 900}


Use proxy for http/https connections with Applitools.

  • Optional
  • Type: object
  • Example:
url: ''
username: 'username' // optional
password: 'secret' // optional
isHttpOnly: true // optional

For more information on WebdriverIO see the homepage.