Allure Reporter

A WebdriverIO reporter plugin to create Allure Test Reports.

Allure Reporter Example


The easiest way is to keep @wdio/allure-reporter as a devDependency in your package.json.

"devDependencies": {
"@wdio/allure-reporter": "^5.0.0"

You can simple do it by:

npm install @wdio/allure-reporter --save-dev


Configure the output directory in your wdio.conf.js file:

exports.config = {
// ...
reporters: [['allure', {
outputDir: 'allure-results',
disableWebdriverStepsReporting: true,
disableWebdriverScreenshotsReporting: true,
// ...
  • outputDir defaults to ./allure-results. After a test run is complete, you will find that this directory has been populated with an .xml file for each spec, plus a number of .txt and .png files and other attachments.
  • disableWebdriverStepsReporting - optional parameter(false by default), in order to log only custom steps to the reporter.
  • issueLinkTemplate - optional parameter, in order to specify the issue link pattern. Reporter will replace {} placeholder with value specified in addIssue(value) call parameter. Example{}
  • tmsLinkTemplate - optional parameter, in order to specify the tms link pattern. Reporter will replace {} placeholder with value specified in addTestId(value) call parameter. Example{}
  • disableWebdriverScreenshotsReporting - optional parameter(false by default), in order to not attach screenshots to the reporter.
  • useCucumberStepReporter - optional parameter (false by default), set it to true in order to change the report hierarchy when using cucumber. Try it for yourself and see how it looks.
  • disableMochaHooks - optional parameter (false by default), set it to true in order to not fetch the before/after stacktrace/screenshot/result hooks into the Allure Reporter.

Supported Allure API#

  • addLabel(name, value) - assign a custom label to test
  • addFeature(featureName) โ€“ assign feature to test
  • addStory(storyName) โ€“ assign user story to test
  • addSeverity(value) โ€“ assign severity to test
  • addIssue(value) โ€“ assign issue id to test
  • addTestId(value) โ€“ assign TMS test id to test
  • addEnvironment(name, value) โ€“ save environment value
  • addAttachment(name, content, [type]) โ€“ save attachment to test.
    • name (String) - attachment name.
    • content โ€“ attachment content.
    • type (String, optional) โ€“ attachment MIME-type, text/plain by default
  • addArgument(name, value) - add additional argument to test
  • addDescription(description, [type]) โ€“ add description to test.
    • description (String) - description of the test.
    • type (String, optional) โ€“ description type, text by default. Values ['text', 'html','markdown']
  • addStep(title, [{content, name = 'attachment'}], [status]) - add step to test.
    • title (String) - name of the step.
    • content (String, optional) - step attachment
    • name (String, optional) - step attachment name, attachment by default.
    • status (String, optional) - step status, passed by default. Must be "failed", "passed" or "broken"
  • startStep(title) - start with a step
    • title (String) - name of the step.
  • endStep(status) - end with a step
    • status (String, optional) - step status, passed by default. Must be "failed", "passed" or "broken"


Allure Api can be accessed using:


const { addFeature } = require('@wdio/allure-reporter').default


import allureReporter from '@wdio/allure-reporter'

Mocha example

describe('Suite', () => {
it('Case', () => {

Displaying the report#

The results can be consumed by any of the reporting tools offered by Allure. For example:


Install the Allure command-line tool, and process the results directory:

allure generate [allure_output_dir] && allure open

This will generate a report (by default in ./allure-report), and open it in your browser.

Autogenerate Report#

You can also autogenerate the report by using the Allure command line tool programatically. To do so install the package in your project by:

$ npm i allure-commandline

Then add or extend your onComplete hook or create a custom service for this:

onComplete: function() {
const reportError = new Error('Could not generate Allure report')
const generation = allure(['generate', 'allure-results', '--clean'])
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const generationTimeout = setTimeout(
() => reject(reportError),
generation.on('exit', function(exitCode) {
if (exitCode !== 0) {
return reject(reportError)
console.log('Allure report successfully generated')


Install and configure the Allure Jenkins plugin

Add Screenshots#

Screenshots can be attached to the report by using the takeScreenshot function from WebDriverIO in afterStep hook. First set disableWebdriverScreenshotsReporting: false in reporter options, then add in afterStep hook

afterStep: function (test, context, { error, result, duration, passed, retries }) {
if (error) {

As shown in the example above, when this function is called, a screenshot image will be attached to the allure report.